Here is a list of everything I hope to accomplish this summer. We'll see.
Get Married
'nough said.
Build an assembly level computer with pipelining
I want to build the hardware that will implement the MIPS language, I probably won't build it at a gate level, cause it would be rather large, but want to connect the major components myself
Wake up in time to be doing something at 7
Early to bed, early to rise….
In depth study of the Bible
I really want to understand the Bible more, not just spiritually, but intellectually as well.
Learn Iphone API
With the release of the Ipad, the API for the whole I-world system is being used by more and more people, knowing how to write programs for this platform has become more and more important.
Learn to type as fast as someone can talk
This would be helpful for taking notes in school or church
Learn Peter and the Wolf on the piano
Cause it's awesome. And I miss piano :(
Do in-book assignments from programming book (Data structures and Algorithms)
Cause I miss Java.
Learn everything I should've in Physics 1
I tended to use my Physics class to do homework for my other classes, but I'm really interested in learning Physics and I have to take Physics 2...
Go through my discrete book and learn the rest of it
Cause this was pretty much my favorite class so far, and we only covered like the first 5 or so chapters.
- Plato
Good luck finding another book where all you read is a conversation and you learn so much.
- Les miserables
Epic. At least the movie and audio drama were. Hoping the book will be the same.
- Crime and Punishment
I'm about halfway through and got busy. But keep having mental flashbacks to it.
- Cost of Discipleship
Been on my to read list for a while.
I'd like to reread and rewatch all of these.
- Intellectuals
An analysis of famous thinkers that have shaped society and their personal flaws
- The End is Now
Rob Stennet's book on the end times, should be good.
- I Isaac, Take Thee Rebekah
Ravi Zacharias takes Isaac and Rebekah's story from Genesis 24 and uses it as a model for marriage today
- King Raven Trilogy
Stephen Lawhead takes the story of Robin Hood and sets it in Wales to coincide with the Norman conquest of the Welsh people. Very interesting historical fiction.
- The Dragon King Trilogy
Just straight up good fantasy fiction
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
A classic
- What's So Amazing About Grace
Philip Yancey's exploration of grace, I'd also like to read 'Prayer', and 'The Jesus I Never Knew'
- Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass
A reread, my interest has again been perked by several discussions of Alice in Wonderland in my computer science classes.
- Inheritance Book 4 (if it comes out)
::sigh:: I've never been more disappointed then reading the whole third book of this series, thinking it was the end of the trilogy, only to find at the end that the author decided to split it into 2 books.
- Code
This book basically taught me the same thing as 4 of my college classes. Must read for anyone interested in the line between Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Grief Observed
C.S. Lewis's honest exploration of his grief after the loss of his wife. Must read.
- Divine Comedy
Dante's journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven. I've only read the Inferno, but its really interesting the characterizations of people he uses.
- Dune
Classic Sci-fi, I just haven't had the chance to read it yet.
- Earthborn
My favorite book of all time. Probably the most engaging story of grace I've ever read, I've read it probably a dozen times.
- Freakonomics
Pure Brain Candy
- The God Who is There
Francis Schaeffer's response to human dispare
- The Lucifer Effect
Philip Zimbardo, the guy who did the Stanford Prison Experiment, examines from a worldly perspective why "good people turn evil"
- The Myths of Greece and Rome
I love mythology, and find all the stories have very interesting parallels to Christianity
- The Object-Oriented Thought Process
A well recommended book to help me be a better programmer
- The Practice of the Presence of God
A book that I'm nearly constantly in the middle of. Must read.
- Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind
Orson scott card at his best. If you are in any way somewhat maybe interested in scifi type books, you HAVE to read these.
- The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers
More pure brain candy
- The World is Flat
We've been talking about this book in class, its another one that I've been meaning to read, but never have gotten to
- The Lovely Bones
I don't know what to expect from this one. Its outside my usual genres, and I'm intrigued.
So that's pretty much it, unless I find time to learn braille. Who knows?