Wednesday, April 12, 2006


ok here's how this works. read my weird things/ habbits below. then, since you've been tagged, you have to post a new blog about 6 of your weird things/habbits. then at the bottom write the names of the next 6 people you're going to tag. then go tag them and tell them to do the smae thing. get it? got it? good.

6 weird things/ habbits about me:

1: i can live a week behind the rest of the world, and totaly not notice...

2: i'm addicted to root beer and chocolate

3: i enjoy asking random questions involving penguins or zebras

4: i like my pizza as well as any spicy doritos dipped in apple sauce

5: i can do the wave with my eyebrows, did i just say that?

6: i have 5 messages on my phone right now

next 6 people i'm going to tag : hmmm, who hasn't been done yet...jake, ashley, heather, aaron, rachel, jace

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