Monday, January 22, 2007

Not a poem. I know crazy.

Galations 5:6 The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

So then, how does faith express itself through love? James 2:14-25 tells us that "faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." Therefore the expression of faith is through an outward action. Just as the expression of the "feeling" of repentance is the action of removing sinfulness from ones life, so the expression of the "feeling" of faith is action of love. We can not trully repent without that action, and we can not trully have faith without loving. It is through God's expression of the "feeling" of love for us(ephesians 2:4) that we are redemed by the action of love, Christ's death on the cross(1 john 3:16), and through our expression of our "feeling" of the acceptence of redemption, we are redeemed by the expression of faith, that is shown by our action of love, obedience to God(john 14:15). Therefore our redemption does not remove the law, but rather through the expression of our redemption, it is upheld(romans 3:31).

To be continued....

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