Thursday, November 16, 2006

Yet another poem...And yes I do want you to answer the question :-)

How do I say "I love you",
Those simple, simple words,
Refreshing like the morning dew,
Or singing of the birds,

Do I shout it from the rooftops,
Or whisper in the dark,
How do I say "I love you",
I don't know where to start,

Do I hold you close forever,
Tell you everything will be okay,
Or never touch you, never,
And keep the words at bay,

Do I seek to be near you always,
Or leave in alone in peace,
Do I buy you lots of chocolate,
Or not one single piece,

Do I take you out to dinner,
To a movie to a show,
Or you want to stay alone with me,
And for a stroll we'll go,

Do I write you mane a letter,
Telling you how wonderful you are,
You deserve so much better,
Much more then me by for

Do I seek to serve you always,
Open all the doors,
Do I help in tasks through all days,
Like getting done your chores,

I hope that you see clearly,
These words I don't know how to say,
Please know I love you dearly,
And try to act that way,

So how do I say "I love you",
Is it in word or deed,
Or something else quite new,
I don't know what you need,

When I say "I love you",
I mean more then I say,
I just want what's best for you,
Each night and every day,

I hope that you will be mine,
But I don't know what that is,
I just await His sign,
Because I want much more for you to be His,

So hear these words, "I love you"
Hear them every day,
And someday things that I knew,
Will come forth, He'll let me say.

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